URP 4111: Rural Planning III

Course Overview

The course is designed to enhance students’ capacity to design rural development policies & strategies in Bangladesh, taking into account employment issues, rural-urban migration, gender planning, and rural power structure.

Course Objectives

The aim of this course is to enable students to design policies and strategies of rural development in Bangladesh. To do so, the course will introduce relevant theoretical and empirical literature on the necessary rural development issues such as rural employment, rural non-farm sector/activities, rural urban linkages, gender, power structure, the role of social capital and rural livelihood. Both mainstream and heterodox approaches will be included to develop students’ capacity to analyse.

 Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

After completing the course students are expected to be able to:

·       Comprehend the rural development policies and strategies of Bangladesh;

·       Analyse rural employment issues in Bangladesh;

·       Analyse rural-urban linkages for creating opportunities for rural people;

·       Identify dynamics of rural power structure and its role on rural development;

·       Comply role of social capital in rural development;

·       Assess rural livelihoods and their sustainability.

URP 4112: Rural Planning III (Field work & Studio)

Course Overview

The Rural Planning III (fieldwork & studio) course is designed for providing field experience to the fourth year students on rural development theories and policy options.

Course Objectives

The students will enhance his/her capacity to analyze theories and policy options on rural non-farm sector, rural employment, women empowerment, rural power structure, rural-urban linkage  and rural livelihood by using the field experiences. Students of this course are expected to identify the theoretical concepts in the field. This course will be conducted simultaneously with its theoretical counterpart URP 4111. Students of this course are expected to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge from URP 4111.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

After completing the module students are expected to be able to:

·       Apply quantitative and qualitative methods to explore rural problems and economic, social, cultural and political dynamics in rural area;

·       Write rural development survey reports;

·       Analyse rural development policies and strategies by applying different lenses;

·       Analyse rural employment, performance of rural non-farm sector, status of women empowerment, rural-urban linkages, rural power structure and rural livelihood in the context of Bangladesh.

URP 4131: Natural Resources Management

Course Overview

The course is designed for developing students’ ability to analyse problems associated with the use/misuse of our natural resources and current management practices associated with the conservation of natural resources through using different economic, social & cultural theories which are related to natural resources management.

Course Objectives

Through this course, students will develop a critical appreciation of how economics, social factors, politics, and power shape natural resource management practices we propose and advocate, and how contextual factors affect the functioning of policy instruments and management practices. By analyzing theories and practices of natural resource management, students will be able to identify key challenges and concerns in applying natural resource management policy instruments in different contexts.  

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

After completing this course the students will be able to:

·       Demonstrate basic concepts of natural resources and examine its importance in development discourse;

·       Understand different theories of natural resource management;

·       Identify role of the institutions and the actors in natural resource management;

·       Demonstrate community based natural resources management;

·       Analyse and manage conflicts in natural resource management;

·       Analyse the interactions between development and biodiversity conservation;

·       Develop integrated coastal zone management policies, strategies, plan and programmes in Bangladesh;

·       Understand ecosystem services and ecosystem based adaptation and develop ecosystem based adaptation plan for the urban/rural settlements in Bangladesh.

URP 4133: Climate Adaptive Planning

Course Overview

The course is designed in a way that upon completion of the course student will learn the policy issues and basic concepts related to climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience.

Course Objectives

Students of this course are expected to learn and understand the issues related to climate adaptive planning. This course has been designed in such a way which provides a clear understanding of different policy issues related to climate change mitigation and adaptation. This course also provides a clear understanding on different concepts related to climate change mitigation, adaptation and community resilience. 

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

After completing the module students are expected to be able to:

·       Develop basic understanding on climate change adaptation, mitigation and resilience;

·       Understand different spatial or city planning approaches to climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience;

·       Think critically about values threshold and governance in adaptation to climate change;

·       Understand interrelationship between climate change and assets and how asset planning impacts on urban poor’s adaptation to climate change;

·       Develop pro-poor adaptation framework for integrated settlement development.

URP 4141: Municipal Services Planning

Course Overview

The aim of this course is to introduce students with different municipal services, their delivery mechanisms and better ways to improve the service provision.

Course Objectives

The course will help students to gain understanding and knowledge in:

·       Nature and scope of municipal services

·       Legal arrangement of municipal services in context of Bangladesh

·       Level of service standard, service hierarchy and techniques of demand assessment

·       Models associated with designing municipal services

·       Service provision, inequality and measures of inequality of services

·       Understand the nature of conflicts and ways to mitigate the conflicts

·       Political economy of municipal services 

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to:

·       Comprehend the municipal services and their delivery mechanisms;

·       Understand the actors involved in service delivery and mechanisms for effective engagement strategy;

·       Identify how political process led to the decision making and how that can effect a certain group of people e.g. poor communities;

·       Apply theoretical knowledge to estimate service demand;

·      Design solutions to problems in sitting services e.g. water demand and flows in a water supply distribution network by taking different design parameters into consideration.

URP 4142: Municipal Services Planning (Field Work & Studio)

Course Overview

The course is designed for the fourth year students of Urban and Rural Planning Discipline. Students of this course are expected to identify the theoretical concepts in the field. This course will be conducted simultaneously with its theoretical counterpart URP 4121. Students of this course are expected to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge from URP 4121.

Course Objectives

The course will help students to gain understanding and knowledge in:

·       Survey mechanisms and analysis of municipal services

·       Different software for demand forecasting and network design

·       Model formulation for sitting services

·       Locational analysis and project design

·       Evaluation of service provision 

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

At the end of the course the students will be able to:

·       Sketch service delivery mechanism and critique the existing planning system;

·       Solve problems of inefficiency in planning and delivery of services;

·       Appraise the alternative proposals for sitting services;

·       Select the effective stakeholder engagement strategy for conflict resolution.

URP 4151: Tourism Planning

Course Overview

The course is designed for the fourth year students of Urban and Rural Planning Discipline. Students of this course are expected to learn and understand the issues related to tourism planning. This course has been designed to provide a clear understanding on the tools and techniques for promoting tourism.

Course Objectives

It is expected that upon completion of the course student will learn the policy issues and basic concepts related to tourism planning. 

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

After completing the course students are expected to be able to:

·       Come to know the policy issues related to tourism planning in Bangladesh;

·       Analyse the prospects of tourism by identifying economics of tourism;

·       Critically identify the status of tourism planning and practice in Bangladesh.

URP 4156: Project/Thesis I

Course Overview

The course is designed for fourth year students. Students of this course are expected to develop research proposal on their field of specialisation.

Course Objectives

The objective of the course is to develop the students’ ability to design and present a theoretically-informed research proposal related to a particular policy issue arising from a course or multiple courses of Urban and Rural Planning Discipline. The students will be assessed on two types of output and on some aspects of the process leading to these outputs:

·       We expect the students to write a complete research proposal

·       The students will also be assessed on the quality of public presentations of their argument and on their ability to answer the questions asked by jury members.

·       Among the process aspects the supervisors as well, coordinator of this course can usefully distinguish between aspects of the student’s learning attitude (commitment, independence, punctuality) and the significance of his/her learning process, i.e. the difference between the initial and the final understanding of the issue(s) each student has inquired into.  

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

On the completion of this course, students are expected to be able to:

·       Identify a good research topic/problem in urban and rural planning field;

·       Formulate research questions and also assess its significance in relation to relevant scholarly literatures;

·       Develop conceptual/theoretical framework to analyse empirical evidences;

·       Identify philosophical worldviews and define basic ideas of that worldview;

·       Understand how the worldview shaped their approach to research; 

·        Design research methodology and detailed data collection and analysis methods;

·       Develop competency in framing, timetabling and development of a research proposal;

·       Develop skill to successfully communicate research proposal

URP 4161: Remote Sensing for Resource Planning

Course Overview

The course is designed for the fourth year students of Urban and Rural Planning Discipline. Students of this course are expected to learn and understand the basic techniques of remote sensing for resource planning. This course has been designed to provide a clear understanding on the tools and techniques of remote sensing for resource planning.

Course Objectives

It is expected that upon completion of the course student will learn the tools and techniques of remote sensing for resource planning.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

After completing the module students are expected to be able to:

·       Come to know the techniques of image classification and accuracy assessment;

·       Use remote sensing for planning applications;

·       Critically identify remote sensing of environmental indices.

URP 4162: Planning Information Systems (Lab/ Project)

Course Overview

PIS course will talk about the applied information systems which are in practice (or should be) in any public and private organisation for planning decision-making. This particular course will deal with the information systems of different planning organisation.

Course Objectives

The objective of the course is to teach what information are playing vital role in planning decision making and flow of that information. The ultimate objective is to automate the information storage, manipulation, updating, and sharing and analysis functions. Here integrated information system will be developed with GIS, LIS, Remote Sensing and Database software.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

After completing the module students are expected to be able to:

·       Design web based platform of planning applications;

·       Develop spatial data infrastructure;

·       Develop skill of analysing Post-GIS functions;

·       Discuss the suitability of an open-source or proprietary approach to various project scenarios.